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Is Your Company Climbing – or Camping?

March 23, 2021

Posted in Uncategorized

Man Climbing on Mountain — Howell, MI — The Patent Baron

By J. Baron Lesperance, The Patent Baron – Of Counsel at Remenick PLLC

You may be wondering what I mean by that question. After all, companies don’t camp, or do they? Often companies don’t innovate continuously – they plateau – and that allows the competition time to gain ground.

Climbing the Mountain

Think of your company as a mountain climber. Every day, climbing a few more feet (or meters) and getting higher on the mountain. It feels good to move onward and upward. However, all too often that’s not what is really happening. The climber (your company) is camping.

Easy to Set Up Camp

It’s human nature to feel comfortable, and that extends into how companies are run. Once a plateau is reached (or a product is launched) it is all too easy to feel that a break is in order – that camp should be set up. After all, the company has reached this point, and its competitors are farther down on the mountain. Or are they?

OK to Celebrate

I’m not saying that achievements shouldn’t be celebrated. No, it is important to recognize milestones, product launches, sales success, and so forth. Inventors, scientists, engineers, and other contributors should be congratulated for their hard work. What I am saying is that the celebration should be brief and it should refocus the drive to continue climbing ever upward!

Use Positive Energy to Leap Forward

We all feel good after an accomplishment. It’s natural. That is the best time to innovate, to create other new ideas, and use that energy to move even farther ahead of the competition. After all, it’s hard to be motivated when sales are down, there’s bad economic news or other challenges.

Bottom Line

Your company needs to have someone who realizes that success is not the time to camp, but it is the perfect time to develop new products and services to dazzle your current customers (keeping them in the fold) and bring in new customers that see your company as innovative and the best in its field.

About the Author

J. Baron Lesperance is a registered patent attorney before the USPTO. He is currently Of Counsel at Remenick PLLC, a Washington, DC-based intellectual property firm. Mr. Lesperance has gained extensive experience both within a multinational corporation as patent counsel, but also in private practice. Find more at

Mr. Lesperance has presented and authored several articles on how he helps companies stay ahead of the competition, including:

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